Marvelous Emotions Powerpoint Ks2

A strong feeling deriving from ones circumstances mood or relationships with others.
Emotions powerpoint ks2. Ppt 746 MB A simple powerpoint showing children and a range of emotions. Would love to know how other people get on using it. Download the Emotional check-in poster and print for the classroom.
Emotional check-in poster This poster displays a variety of emotions and feelings and can be used as a tool to encourage pupils to identify and build the confidence to share how they are feeling. KS1 and KS2 versions available. KS2 PSHE and Citizenship Health and Wellbeing Feelings and Emotions All About Me Changes and Beginnings Disability Health and Safety Healthy Living Values and Ideals Wellbeing Activities.
Ppt 181 MB. Pupils will identify a variety of good and not so good emotions and build a vocabulary to describe their feelings. This PowerPoint would be lovely for parents to look at with their children because it could help with many different habits that affect our daily lives like food and eating habits to name but two.
Funky slides with interesting questions which are ideal for stimulating discussion in groups or whole class. KS2 PSHE PSHE All About Me Health and Safety KS2 PSHE Feeling. An emotional state or reaction an idea or belief especially a vague or irrational one or the adjective.
The lesson materials below are designed for classroom delivery and you will find versions suitable for remote learning on our Coronavirus hub here. The following collection of ten PSHE activities is aimed at years five and six and can be linked with some of the SEAL topics. Angry Bored Confused Embarrassed Excited Frustrated Guilty Happy Hopeful Jealous Left out Loved Proud Sad Scared Surprised Worried Relaxed Together look through the slide show and tell me about one occasion that you have felt one of these emotions.
Showing emotion or sensitivity. Talking with children about their feelings and letting them understand that it is okay to feel different emotions. Pupils will understand that they may experience many different emotions and will consider how to recognise and explain them.