Out Of This World The Color Purple Synopsis

The Color Purple - SYNOPSIS.
The color purple synopsis. March 18 2021 by Essay Writer The Color Purple focuses on the lifestyle of post-slave South where most of the freed slaves had already migrated to the North by 1915 and the ones that had stayed behind in the South were sharecroppers under their former masters. When Celie becomes older her father replaces her deceased mother with another young girl and then starts to pursue Nettie when his new wife becomes sick. On a Sunday morning in 1909 fourteen-year-old Celie who has had one child by her father Alphonso and is now pregnant with her second plays a clapping game with her younger sister Nettie.
While attending services with the other members of their rural Georgia community Celie goes into labor and. Summary Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. Dark-skinned young girl Celie only of 14 years old is pregnant with her second child obviously she cannot contain herself and not able to protect with a condom.
In her first letters she details how her father has been sexually abusing her. In the first few letters Celie tells God that she has been raped by her father and that she is pregnant for the second time with his child. She is expecting a child.
THE COLOR PURPLE documents an era in which women and children were viewed as the property of men and domestic violence was considered between a man and his wife rather than an offense that merited criminal punishment. This tradition of novels tends to deal with the oppression of African-American women not only by means of white domination but also by specific white and black males. The synopsis below may give away important plot points.
Synopsis In the winter of 1909 Georgia a 14-year-old African American girl named Celie Desreta Jackson gives birth to a daughter whom she names Olivia as her younger sister Nettie Akosua Busia acts as midwife. Celie writes the first of the novels 90 letters. The Color Purple is a novel by Alice Walker that was first published in 1982.
The unnamed main character who is later revealed to be named Celie writes a first letter to God saying that she is fourteen and that she wonders what is happening to her body. _____ begins courting Nettie. The Color Purple is often used as an example of a womans novel For Walker womanist writing is that which focuses on African-American women in twentieth-century America.